Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The word is light...

avyakta prabhavo brahmaa shaashvato nitya avyayaH 1-70-19
tasmaat mariiciH sa.njaj~ne mariiceH kashyapaH sutaH
vivasvaan kashyapaat jaj~ne manur vaivasvataH smR^itaH 1-70-20

"The Unprovable emanated the timeless, changeless and perishless Brahma, and from that Being, namely Brahma, Mariichi is begotten, and Kaashyapa is the son of Mariichi, and the Sun is begotten from Kaashyapa, and Manu is said to be the son of the Sun... [1-70-19b, 20]

These words are taken from the epic Ramayana of Maharishi Valmiki.

The word MariichiH signifies ray of light that illuminates this whole existence and therefore is the source of all inspirations...and my guide to experiments in digital photography...

I wish you a very pleasant journey through light...Welcome to MariichiH...

The Devine Mother's Play..

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Cycle...Bi-Cycle...

Yogi Bear...

This Yogi bear has been developed using a new technique I am recently trying my hands with...Its called HDR...